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Replica machine Guns use of personal information that you may submit to Replica machine Guns through this Web site is governed by the Replica machine Guns Privacy Policy. We pride ourselves on satisfying you in every way we can. That is why close attention is paid to the way we handle your personal information. When you provide us your name, e-mail, phone number, address, credit card number, or bank account number, you can be assured it will not be shared with anyone that doesn't need it to process your order. We do reserve the right to permit official use of your information in the result of a subpoena or a legitimate legal issue. # A Non-Registered Visitor When you use our website without signing in (visiting anonymously), we do not collect any personally identifiable information about you. Our web server does automatically log the visit information of IP addresses including, but not limited to length of visit, domain, subnet, pages visited, and number of clicks through. # Registered (Member) Areas of the Site For a visitor to use the registered or member areas of our site, they must provide personally identifiable information so our online staff can communicate with them regarding online orders. This information includes, but is not limited to, your name, phone number, e-mail address, home address, and shipping address. 1. We Do Not Share Your Information We do not share your information with anyone outside Replica machine Guns unless it is a request that is in the interest of the law or certified government agencies (e.g. subpoena or legal reasons). We share your information internally at Replica machine Guns for the sole purpose of processing your order. 2. Here's How We Ensure Your Highest Security We always protect your information from the outside by not sharing it unless we are required to do so by law. We have streamlined our order-taking process, thereby reducing the number of internal people who see your information. 3. Former Customers We do not share information about our former customers with anyone (except in response to subpoenas or for other legitimate legal reasons). 4. Your e-mail address is used to correspond with you regarding the following things: 1. Answers to questions from our sales, customer, and technical support staff. 2. Promotional/marketing messages that you may have opted-in to receive when you signed up your account online. You can view or change your personal information and preferences at any time by logging into the site and accessing the My Account tab. However, if you would like to remove yourself from the promotional email list you will need to unsubscribe at the bottom of the promotional email or reply to the email with unsubscribe in the subject line.
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